Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kicked Out!

Its wonderful to see so many of you becoming more active in the blog.  Please continue to share your ideas and thoughts.  Also thank you to those of you posting information from other resources for your classmates to view.

Make sure your comments are rich and detailed and that you are answering the question or replying directly to a classmate.

Here is your next question!!

Labor Camp

On page 208 it says, "something seemed very wrong about sending people away from their own "free country" because they had spoken their minds."

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Actors from a college production of "Esperanza Rising" at Bringam Young University
Characters : (from left) Hortensia, Alfonso, and Isabel
Make sure you use sufficient evidence to support your claim

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Letter

Great Job on your first question Fifth graders!!  You have shown that you have some connection to the characters, events and one another.  Keep up the good work

Here is your next question:

Imagine you could write a letter to Esperanza.  What would you want to say to her?  What would you want to ask her?  Make sure you include the reasoning behind the questions and statements you have for Esperanza.  

Make your questions MEANINGFUL.  For example, ask her more about choices and decisions she made(or ones you think she should have made) rather than something very general (favorite food, favorite color).

PLEASE RESPOND TO ONE ANOTHER by clicking the Reply link underneath a classmate's response.  It is important that you interact with one another and not just post your own response.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Welcome to the Fifth grade Blog for Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan.  Many exciting and interesting events have happened so far in the book.  We have learned about all of the main characters; Esperanza, Mama (Ramona), Auberta, Miguela and Hortensia, and followed them on the journey from Mexico to the United States.

This blog is a means for you to express your ideas, converse and debate with your peers about topics associated with the book and beyond.  Questions will be posted throughout the week for you to think about and answer.

Remember; speak kindly to one another and express your ideas clearly.  This is a safe place for everyone to express their views without being judged or ridiculed(teased).

Here is your first discussion question!!!

Imagine you were taken out of your life right now and put in a work camp like Esperanza’s. How would you react? What would be hard for you? What would be easy?