Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kicked Out!

Its wonderful to see so many of you becoming more active in the blog.  Please continue to share your ideas and thoughts.  Also thank you to those of you posting information from other resources for your classmates to view.

Make sure your comments are rich and detailed and that you are answering the question or replying directly to a classmate.

Here is your next question!!

Labor Camp

On page 208 it says, "something seemed very wrong about sending people away from their own "free country" because they had spoken their minds."

Do you agree? Why or why not?

Actors from a college production of "Esperanza Rising" at Bringam Young University
Characters : (from left) Hortensia, Alfonso, and Isabel
Make sure you use sufficient evidence to support your claim


  1. I disagree every body should have the right to be free in a contrey.I think this because that's why we have tranpotation.We have this because they were alot of people who travel to differnt contrys in cars trains planes even in buses.Even if they spoken thier minds they stll have the right to go to differnt contrys or place. by=JOSE

  2. wow i disagree totally.your right jose EVERYONE shout be free in there contry no matter what unless they did something very wrong and are in jail.other then that everyone should be free no matter age,height,weight or gendra

  3. i agree with lexybell and jose becuse every one should be free in there contry no matter what unless they did somthing rong and are in jail but no matter there age sex and height or they fat the tall they are tolly free so no one can control enibody unless they in jail by michael diaz

  4. aminatademe:i agree with lexybell and jose.just becase of someone thinking they speak in their minds does not mean that they should be botted out of the country. comon its a free conutry do anything that is leagle . i dont disagree because it might be a violation of human rights.and becase they have suffercate of wat they thought about in there minds. that is why i dissagree

    1. i agree with aminata had to say because bieng kicked out somewere you have lived your whole life just because you are speaking your mind is so not fair.some people are just fighting for what they bealive in. the owner of the camp went above and beyond sending people back somewere they have never been before. the people that were speaking thier mind had every to speak thier minds. what can i say they were just inforcing articale 18 of theuniversal declaration of ghuman rights.

  5. I dissagree that everybody could travel or live in different countries. For example Esperanza transports to Mexico to America.

  6. i totaly disagree with the idea of people bieng sent back to some place they have never been just because they are stating thier opinions. as i was reading the book i totally agreed with what the strikers were fighting for i say that because the conditions they were facing were horrible and they also were treated diffrently just because they were mexican. the way that they have been treaqted is a crueal way to treat peeople due to race, nationality,sex and religon. the strikers not bieng able to speak thier opinion or feelings is a violation of artical 18 which states"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance".the owner of the work camp could get arrested because he is violating a human right.
    aissatou barry

  7. I agree with aissatou In the frist statement that she made no one should be kick out where they live for a long time its not fair and volating the human right

  8. I agree, how could you take a citzen or child back to there country.They also took people who did not live in mexico or born there or could speak the language.It does not sound right to take someone who has just annouced what he or she believes to take them away.Its like taking a person to his country cause he DID NOT LIKE CHOCLATE,which is pafedic. $KWADWO$
