Thursday, November 8, 2012

Welcome to the Fifth grade Blog for Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan.  Many exciting and interesting events have happened so far in the book.  We have learned about all of the main characters; Esperanza, Mama (Ramona), Auberta, Miguela and Hortensia, and followed them on the journey from Mexico to the United States.

This blog is a means for you to express your ideas, converse and debate with your peers about topics associated with the book and beyond.  Questions will be posted throughout the week for you to think about and answer.

Remember; speak kindly to one another and express your ideas clearly.  This is a safe place for everyone to express their views without being judged or ridiculed(teased).

Here is your first discussion question!!!

Imagine you were taken out of your life right now and put in a work camp like Esperanza’s. How would you react? What would be hard for you? What would be easy?


  1. imagining what life would be like if i was put in a work camp would be hard for me to imagine for starters , but i would really feel frightaened because i never know if things will get better. some things would be hard for me and some will be easy. one thing that might be easy is babysitting my younger siblings. one thing that might be hard is starting to work in the fields. that might be hard for me because even mama and Esperanza from Esperanza Rising had hard times in the fields. babysitting would be easy because babies love me.
    by:Aissatou Barry

    1. to add on to what i said earlier this afternoon i would like to say that what would be easist for me is doing the dishes. i always do the dishes anytime my mom asks me to. the dishes is my #1 priority. the hardest thing for me to do is the laundry. my mom always does the laundry. it will be too complex. at first doing the laundry was hard for Esperanza, so what makes you think that i can do it. back in the day it was way easier ,but now there is all of this technology especially my washing machine you have to hook it up in the sink and everything.
      -Aissatou Barry

  2. -Diana I would be paralyzed in fear because I'm not used to living or working in a work camp.What would be easy for me is sweeping or cleaning the cabins like Esperanza.What would be hard for me is knowing my way around the camp or area and going through all these weird and confusing upgrades in the field like Esperanza and would to be explained.

    1. i agree with your idea,but you would be frozen and doing no work.i would be in fear and i sweep all the time so it is easy for me.i totally agree with you.

    2. I also agree with diana because sweeping and moppying stuff like that are VERY easy.oh sorry ms.ryan i said stuff i mean activities

    3. if i imagine being in a work camp like Esperanza some things will be difficult to get comfortable with. It will be hard for me to get comfortable with me not even having a room to call my own.somethings will be easy like it will be easy to babysit and broom and wash dishes because i have experiences doing all those activity's it was hard for Esperanza because she had severs to do it for her.


  3. I will feel extremely miserable.I will feel like this because i will have to work.I i think most children just do a little chores.But if you move to a work camp like esperanza you would have to work everyday.As esperanza does she takes care of babies.I will feel very confused because if i am new to the cabin,i really wouldn't feel usual.I would feel very thing that would be hard that i can not take care of babies.I wold be able to sweep and mop.I will not feel so happy working in the work camp like Esperanza

  4. If i was a kid living in a camp with no privacy just like esparanza i would feel emmbarrest because people would see me.Also i would live in a little cottage with my family just like esparanza.I wouldent no any body and i wouldent have no friends just like esparanza.esparanza a immigrant she came from mexico and came to newyork. from;Jediah Caballero

    1. Interesting points! Moving to a new place is a huge transition. Many changes occur. Explain in more detail why you would be embarrassed.

      Ms Ryan

    2. Lexybell-

      i will agree with jediah because it is true i always want my privacy.Sometimes I always ask my mom I want my own bathroom in my own room,even my own computer.I will like to do some activities private because what if i have to do something and i cant do it i will be emmbarrased and feel left out so, i want to do it alone.

  5. if i was in a work camp i will react so scared because this will be my first time working in a camp i will be confused because i dont how the camp would work it would be hard for me because its many things i would have to take care of like esperanza like cook clean and take care of the baby the easy part is that i clean after the babies and cook for the babies because i love babies so much makala covington

  6. Anthony ; I would be so scared to be all by my shelf in a camp, because I would be working by my shelf with out a adult helping me at all.Also I would not know what to do by my shelf ,I could get hurt , and may be I could starve.

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    2. lexybell-I agree with you half way anthony because i would want some help but not everytime i work at something because they will just treat me like a baby and,wont have freedom in my work. also because i want to explore new jobs all alone

  7. lexybell

    if I was a kid living in a work camp like esperanza i will feel misrable. i will feel like that because i am not really use to working in dirty places.what will be hard for my is picking up heavy objects and cooking cause i have no cooking skills.the easiest thing will be sweeping and mopping because i do that sometimes around my house.well i will recat kinda crazy because I am never really use to these things picking up stuff,cooking,and taking good care of MYSELF.

  8. AminataDeme;if i was a child living the way esperanza was livig i would be so embarrsed because iwout have my own privete and miserable iagree with lexybell. i would have to work and pick heavy things up cook and some oter chores. and if someone in my family was sick i would have to take that persons place and take my place as well.and iwould have to baby site my baby brother and make sure that idont get him sick wich im not. me experanza,lexybell,and myselef ican say that we might feel the same.that is how i will feel if i was esperanza.

  9. Professor Diana Garcia was born and spent some time of her young life on a labor camp in California. She now is a professor of poetry and works with troubled youth and at alternative schools to support students in creative writing and poetry. Here is a video about how she connects her life living on a labor camp to to ideas and creation of her poems.

    Ms Ryan

    1. emilyn
      i loved the really connects with esperanza the part when she was making potato the video it shows them checking the potato.also it connects because it saw the guy picking corn.maybe i can learn about her more instead of reading esperana since she connects to her so much.

    2. I know right emilyn esperanza and diana garcia are very simaliar they both are wasting there child hood. esperanza works at age 13 and takes care of other people including herself and she is still very young.diana's parents lived in a farm labor camp and she was only 4. so diana wasted much of her child hood beacause she was only 4 and she had worked.

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  10. If I was living through Esperanza's life,I would feel uncomfortable because I would be living in a whole different lifestyle. I would feel uncomfortable because I would not know how to care for babies. Another reason is because I don't know any home remedies. The good things are that I know how to do chores and I am very sociable and caring.
    Jose Martinez

  11. -Diana Thank you for your opinion Aissatou and your comment wasn't half bad yourself.Although,I have a few things I disagree with.To start off,you didn't really tell me things that are bad and how they get better in the 1st sentence so I just wanted a little more information about that.Also,you cut off the sentence when you said"Some things would be hard for me and some will be easy."I also wanted you to make that clearer.

  12. If I was fighting through Esperanza's life it would be exhausting doing the same things over and over again because it would cause confusion and frustration. Like esperanza taking care of the babies she had to do the same things over and over It made her frustrated and confused. If we were both living this life we might have to give up because some people don't treat us fair. The good thing is that we both tried our best.

  13. No I have experience to work with a great responsibility reactionary know that my parents are dependent on me. The hardest part for me would be to know that I can not help my parents if I can not work. It would be a very difficult situation for me. The easiest thing would work at any job no matter what you have to do to get help my parents by Nicole Toribio

  14. -Rabiyah

    If I was working in a camp I would be tired and unhappy. I would have to work for long period of time getting low wages that would be the hardest thing for me. The easiest thing is cleaning and cooking.I love cooking different recipes.

  15. If i was taken from my life and be put in a work camp i will react by runing away.I would do this beacouse i will have a bad life.The hardest thing for me would be planting the felds.It will be hard for me because i planted a garden befor and they died.Onther thing that is hard for me is looking for money.One thing that is easy for me is tacking care of my family because they are inportant by= jose

    1. lexybell

      i really agree with you jose because i also took care of a flower and only in TWO DAYS IT DIED so that just tells me that i am terrible at taking care of plants.

  16. If I was a kid working in a work camp I would be scared because iam with people I don't know and its different for me because iam should be having fun like would some kids do and in epseranza rising this is new for her because she don't do the work the servents do the work for her like for example she did not know how to broom because the servents do that work and know esperanza have to be indenpent now because she is poor that's how it would be if I work in a work camp
    By:yaristacy moises

  17. This book is fun to read and a good book that pam rayn made good job for her and I hope esperanza mom get better
    By:yaristacy moises :)

  18. i think the book esperanza is a good book becuse i have to read a lot for i can under stand that esperana takescareof her mom and i hope her mom gets better

  19. lexybell-

    i will love to meet ezperanza in person. i want to ask her if she really feels super bad about what had happen to her life and does she have hope to sovle it.

  20. if i was esperanza right now living through the great depression i will feel umcomtherable,tired,
    and also complement.i will feel like that because
    i am use to sleeping in my own bed and have my priticy in my room with my sister just my side and
    me doing anything i wish.TIRED because i always take a nap after i just do a summary i get be tired quickly so i wont be able to complete lots of jobs.


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  23. if i had to write a letter to espperanza i would say if her mom was ok and if she had a good day in the work camp and if she needit money for she can bring abuelita to the work camp in the fris paragrap espranza was rich but her dad die and tio luis whanted to marry ramona

    by; michael diaz

    1. Michael i disagree with you beacause you said that she was wealthy in first paragrath.What paragrath. by=JOSE

    2. in the beggin of the book she was rich

  24. If i could write somthing to esperanza i would tell her if she a bad feeling about somthing.Also if her contence told her somthing.I would whant to know how doas she still fell about her dad.To add on i would whant to say if she used to things on her own. by=JOSE

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